Teaching Philosophy

My teaching is to make students not only understand fundamental theory but also to acquire the capacity to explore the unknown in this rapid changing world. Specifically, I help students to develop their conceptual understanding in the field of geospatial science and utilize geospatial methods, tools, and knowledge to address wide-broad problems no matter within or outside the field. My ultimate goal is to make students succeed, as it is the most rewarding thing for a teacher.

Courses Taught at UCA

Geographic Information System (GEOG) 3403 - Syllabus Fall 2020
GIS is a computer-based system to aid in the collection, maintenance, storage, analysis, output, and distribution of spatial data and information. This course is designed to provide introductions to concepts, principles, and practices of acquiring, storing, analyzing, displaying and use of geographic information. This course also explores the science behind GI systems and the techniques and methods GIS scientists and professionals use to answer questions with a spatial component.

Geographic Field Technique (GEOG) 3319 - Syllabus Fall 2020
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) has well advanced people's life. This course is designed to introduce fundamental concepts and theory of GNSS, using a variety of GNSS receivers for positioning, navigating, tracking, and data logging in the filed, and integrating field data into GIS software. This course also explores several online mapping methods for visualizing and analysis.

Cartography (GEOG) 2475 - Syllabus Fall 2020
Cartography is the knowledge associated with the art, science, and technology of maps. Map is an effective way to represent the world, analyze spatial phenomena, and communicate with audience. This course is designed to provide the introduction to principles, conventions, and concepts of Cartography, and software that is necessary to produce good maps, especially in the context of geographic information systems (GIS).

Courses Taught at WVU

World Regional Geography (GEOG) 102
This course introduces students to the field of geography through the comparison of major world regions. The course begins with an introduction to the discipline of geography as well as key geographical concepts that enable regional comparison. Major world regions will be examined based on significant physical, sociocultural, environmental, political and economic features. Throughout the course, we will critically examine the interconnection between these regions as well as the impact of global scale phenomenon on local peoples' lives.